The repository objects and data files in an accelerator operate in the same way as other objects and files in the Informatica system. Some rules and guidelines apply to the accelerator contents.
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you install an accelerator:
Before you import or copy files, verify that you have all privileges on the Data Integration Service, the Content Management Service, and the Analyst Service.
Import the accelerators to a single Model repository project. Create the project before you import the accelerators.
Install the Core accelerator before you install another accelerator.
Install the Core Data Domain accelerator before you install the Data Domain accelerator.
If you import a metadata file that contains an object in common with an accelerator that you imported earlier, replace the object in the repository.
To use the accelerator rules that perform address validation, download and install the address reference data files for the country that the accelerator specifies. To use the accelerator rules that perform identity match analysis, download and install the identity population files for the country that the accelerator specifies. You buy the address reference data files and identity population files from Informatica.