Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Business Glossary
  3. Finding Glossary Content
  4. Glossary Content Management
  5. Approval Workflow
  6. Glossary Administration
  7. User and Role Administration
  8. Appendix A: Glossary Asset Properties

Business Glossary Guide

Business Glossary Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Review the frequently asked questions to understand how to find content in the
How can I find all the terms that are in review?
As a stakeholder, you can click
, select
, and select
Terms Under Review
to view all the terms that you need to review.
How do I give feedback about a Glossary asset to the data steward and other stakeholders?
As a stakeholder, you can open the business term and view it in the
workspace. You can add or view comments.
How can I track changes to an asset?
As a data steward, you can open the asset in the
workspace and view the change history. You can also view the notification details when you receive an alert in the Analyst tool header.
How can I ensure that there is no negative impact on other assets if I make changes to an asset?
As a data steward, you can view the asset in the
workspace and view the linked and related assets. You can then analyze any impact on the related assets.
Why am I viewing the glossary properties instead of viewing the assets associated with the glossary?
As a glossary administrator, when you open a glossary in the
section, you view the glossary properties. To view all the assets associated with the glossary, select the glossary in the
Why can I not find all the terms in the list of business terms?
Contact the glossary administrator to verify that you have the appropriate privileges to view all business terms in the asset list.
When can I use the Relationship View option?
You can see assets that are related to the business term or policy that you opened in the
Relationship View
tab. The Relationship View shows a graphical representation of all the related business terms and policies. You can see the
Relationship View
diagram to easily understand the related assets and the type of relationship.
Why can I not see all the assets related to the business term that I opened?
The Analyst tool displays two levels by default. You can select
from the
Relationship Levels
list to view all the related assets. The Analyst tool only displays up to 75 levels.


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