Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Accelerators
  3. Core Accelerator
  4. Data Domains Accelerator
  5. Australia/New Zealand Accelerator
  6. BCBS 239/CCAR Accelerator
  7. Brazil Accelerator
  8. Financial Services Accelerator
  9. France Accelerator
  10. Germany Accelerator
  11. India Accelerator
  12. Italy Accelerator
  13. Portugal Accelerator
  14. Spain Accelerator
  15. United Kingdom Accelerator
  16. U.S./Canada Accelerator

Accelerator Guide

Accelerator Guide

United Kingdom Financial Data Cleansing Rules

United Kingdom Financial Data Cleansing Rules

Use the financial data cleansing rules to parse, standardize, and validate financial data.
Find the financial data cleansing rules in the following repository location:
The following table describes the financial data cleansing rules in the United Kingdom accelerator:
Parses eight-digit numeric strings as United Kingdom bank account numbers.
Validates United Kingdom bank account numbers. The rule returns codes that indicate whether the input is numeric and whether it is the correct number of digits.
Parses six-digit numeric strings as United Kingdom bank sort codes. The rule parses strings of numbers in the following formats:
  • Consecutive numbers (999999)
  • Numbers delimited with a dash (99-99-99)
Validates the format and length of United Kingdom bank sort codes that are standardized to the dash-delimited format (99-99-99). The rule returns a Status port that describes the validity of the sort code and a Validation Note port that explains the status. If the sort code prefix matches a known assignment for a United Kingdom bank, the Validation Note port includes the bank name.
Standardizes a United Kingdom bank sort code to the format "NN-NN-NN."


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