Informatica Data Quality
- Informatica Data Quality 10.5
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| Description
| After you migrate the business glossary terms and rules to a different environment using the export and import options, the association between the glossary business terms and rules is lost.
| The Analyst tool incorrectly interprets the business glossary term ID that includes a dot (.) character as an asset link to Metadata Manager.
| If the business term template includes a custom attribute with an incorrect metaclass ID, you cannot add new rules or categories to the business term.
| When you export the Business Glossary template, the page stops responding and the following error message appears in the Analyst tool log file:
[root@adwde01 bin] # ./ bg exportGlossary -dn Domain -un Administrator -pd ************ -sdn Native -atn EIC_Analyst_Service -gl Ace_Business_Glossary -ah false -tem true -att false -ep /apps1/Informatica/10.2.1/isp/bin [ICMD_10033] Command [exportGlossary] failed with error [ [BGCMD_0101] ERROR: ' [BGCMD_0101] ERROR: 'Internal Error.''].
| The search service does not display business term results for users configured with administrator role.