Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Working with Enterprise Data Manager
  4. Enterprise Data Manager
  5. ILM Repository Constraints
  6. Partition Exchange Purging
  7. APIs
  8. Smart Partitioning
  9. Salesforce Accelerator
  10. SAP Application Retirement Entities
  11. Import Formats for Constraints
  12. Glossary

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Enterprise Data Manager Guide

Connecting to Salesforce and Importing Metadata

Connecting to Salesforce and Importing Metadata

Connect to Salesforce to import metadata.
  1. In the
    pane, select the
    application version, or a custom application version you created, under the
    application folder. Note that you must import the Salesforce table metadata inside the Salesforce application folder in the application hierarchy.
  2. Click
    Import Metadata from Database
  3. From the drop-down menu, select the database type
  4. For the database host parameter, enter one of the following values, for example:
    • "" for production environments.
    • "" for sandbox environments.
    • A Salesforce customized URL without the preceding "https://" For example, if the customized URL is "," enter the value as ""
  5. When the Salesforce JDBC driver connects to Salesforce, it creates an embedded database in the local machine for internal use. The driver database parameter specifies the file name prefix or file absolute path plus the file name prefix that the driver uses to create or locate the set of files that define the internal database. Enter one of the following values:
    • You can leave the parameter blank, if the system user has permission to create files in the location where the Enterprise Data Manager runs. By default a blank value is taken as "<host>_<username>." For example, if the host is "," and the username is "abc," then the default value is "login.salesforce.com_abc." Files will be created with the same prefix. For example, "login.salesforce.com_abc.config."
    • Enter any name for the database. The driver creates a local database with the given name. For example, if you enter the name "Test," the driver creates a local database with file names such as "Test.config" and "" in the location where the Enterprise Data Manager runs.
    • Enter an absolute file path plus a database name. The driver creates a local database with the given database name in the given path. For example, if you enter the value as "C:\ILM_DA\Test," the driver creates a local database with file names such as "Test.config" and "" under the path "C:\ILM_DA."
    For offline metadata import, use only the database name.
    For online metadata import, verify that the given path exists on the Enterprise Data Manager client machine.
  6. For the username parameter, enter the Salesforce username.
  7. For the password parameter, enter the Salesforce password.
  8. If you have a Salesforce security token, enter it as the security token parameter. This field is optional.
  9. Click
  10. In the schema selection window, click the
    schema and then the
    arrow button to select it.
  11. Click
    and proceed through the Import wizard.


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