Data Archive
- Data Archive 6.5.1
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---------------------------------------------- Quick-configure menu -- domain: COMBINED ---------------------------------------------- Features Settings ========== ========== 1) Pub/Sub Servers : Yes 15) DBNAME :[COMBINED] 2) Quick Server : No 16) DBTYPE :[ORACLE] 3) Query Servers : No 17) UserId :[VP1] 4) Jolt : Yes 18) UserPswd :[VP1] 5) Jolt Relay : No 19) DomainID :[COMBINED] 6) WSL : No 20) AddToPATH :[c:\oracle\ora92\bin] 7) PC Debugger : No 21) ConnectID :[people] 8) Event Notification: No 22) ConnectPswd:[peop1e] 9) MCF Servers : No 23) ServerName :[] 10) Perf Collator : No 24) WSL Port :[7010] 11) Analytic Servers : No 25) JSL Port :[9010] 12) Domains Gateway : No 26) JRAD Port :[9100] Actions ========= 13) Load config as shown 14) Custom configuration h) Help for this menu q) Return to previous menu HINT: Enter 15 to edit DBNAME, then 13 to load Enter selection (1-26, h, or q): The only fields that need particular attention are: 15) DBNAME the name of the db alias in the tnsnames.ora file. It will be checked against the PSDBOWNER and PSSTATUS tables 17) UserId a PeopleSoft user id. Either the super-administrator (PS, VP1) or PSAPPS which can only start the app server 18) UserPswd the PeopleSoft user password. The psadmin program can encrypt it. 19) DomainID a label used internally by Tuxedo. There is no reason why it should differ from DBNAME 21) ConnectId this is always "people" Notice the "l" 22) ConnectPswd this is always "peop1e” Notice the "1" 23) ServerName this is only for Sybase and Informix customers