Table of Contents


  1. About the Data Vault Message Reference
  2. Data Definition Language Errors
  3. Data Vault Repository Service Exit Codes
  4. Load Balancer and Administration Errors
  5. Data Vault Repository Administration CLI Errors
  6. Data Vault SQL Tool Messages
  7. Data Vault Loader Messages

Data Vault Message Reference

Data Vault Message Reference

Exit code 40

Exit code

Database creation failed - cannot create directory '
This message is returned when the
section in the nucleus.ini file (where
corresponds to the database name specified to start the Data Vault Repository Service) contains an invalid DatabasePath value.
Ensure that the database path actually exists on the host computer. If the database directory (that is, the last directory in the path) does not exist, the Data Vault Repository Service will create it, provided the rest of the path is valid.
For example:
If the directory “db” does not exist already, it will be created by the Data Vault Repository Service, as long as the path “/usr/sand” exists on the host computer.
On the other hand:
If the directory “nonexistentdir” does not exist, “db” will
be created, and this Exit Code will be returned.


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