Table of Contents


  1. About the Data Vault Message Reference
  2. Data Definition Language Errors
  3. Data Vault Repository Service Exit Codes
  4. Load Balancer and Administration Errors
  5. Data Vault Repository Administration CLI Errors
  6. Data Vault SQL Tool Messages
  7. Data Vault Loader Messages

Data Vault Message Reference

Data Vault Message Reference

The column 'column-name' has the invalid domain ID 'domain-ID'.

The column 'column-name' has the invalid domain ID 'domain-ID'.

This domain ID is not present in the domain list associated with the file 'file-name'.
An internal error occurred: an SCT file registered with the Data Vault repository contains a column with an invalid internal domain ID. This problem might have been caused when the SCT file was created or registered with the Data Vault repository.
In these situations, it might be necessary to recreate the SCT file and re-register the file with the Data Vault repository.
This problem might also occur if the metadata information in the SDS_REPOSITORY schema was manually changed. The tables in the SDS_REPOSITORY schema must never be altered by users, as this can corrupt the metadata and render archived tables inaccessible.


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