Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Dynamic Data Masking Administration
  3. Authentication
  4. Connection Management
  5. JDBC Client Configuration
  6. ODBC Client Configuration
  7. Access Control
  8. Logs
  9. High Availability
  10. Server Control
  11. Performance Tuning
  12. Troubleshooting

Administrator Guide

Administrator Guide

Logs Overview

Logs Overview

A log file maintains a history of events. Dynamic Data Masking creates log files and contains system loggers that record Dynamic Data Masking Server, service, and rule events. You can create custom loggers to log information that you specify in a security rule. Set log levels to determine which loggers send log information.
The Management Console Tree contains logger and appender nodes that create log files. The system loggers create the audit trail, rule, and server logs. You can add custom loggers to the Management Console tree that you use in security rules to specify events that you want to log. You can add appender nodes under loggers to specify how and where to log the event information. Set the Log Level property of the Dynamic Data Masking Server to specify the severity level of the events that you want to log.
You can use the log files to identify a problem with the Dynamic Data Masking Server, and to monitor and troubleshoot problems a Dynamic Data Masking service.
In addition to the system loggers, Dynamic Data Masking creates the following log files:
Detailed audit trail file. Contains detailed information about changes made within the Management Console. Dynamic Data Masking uses the year and the month that it creates the file to name the file.
Logs standard operating system process errors when they occur.
Logs standard operating system process output when they occur.
You can find log files in the following location:
<Dynamic Data Masking installation>/log
If you choose the Dynamic Data Masking Management Console installation without the Dynamic Data Masking Server, the installation does not create a log directory.


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