Dynamic Data Masking
- Dynamic Data Masking 9.9.3
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| Description
Domain Server
| Host name or IP address of the LDAP server.
Domain Server Port
| Port number for the LDAP server.
Security Protocol
| LDAP transport security protocol. Select SSL or None.
Administration Group
| Distinguished name (DN) of the LDAP group to use for authentication.
Root DN
| Base distinguished name (DN) of the LDAP domain in which to begin user lookups.
User Object Class
| Object class type used for the LDAP user object.
User MemberOf Attribute
| Locate users by attribute. Name of the user attribute to use to identify the groups associated with a user.
Group Object Class
| Object class type used for the LDAP group object.
Group MemberOf Attribute
| Locate users by attribute. Name of the group attribute to use to identify the groups associated with a user.
Group Members Attribute
| Locate users by group. Name of the attribute to use to identify the members of a group.