Dynamic Data Masking Accelerator Guide for use with SAP

Dynamic Data Masking Accelerator Guide for use with SAP

Deploy the Java Servlet on Linux and UNIX

Deploy the Java Servlet on Linux and UNIX

Deploy the Dynamic Data Masking Java servlet on Linux and UNIX.
The Apache Tomcat server must be stopped.
  1. Copy ddmsap.war from the following directory:
    <Dynamic Data Masking installation>/Accelerators/SAP/lib/ddmsap.war
  2. Paste ddmsap.war into the following directory:
    <Apache Tomcat installation>\webapps
  3. Copy sapjco.jar from the SAP Java Connector installation directory.
  4. Paste sapjco.jar into the following directory:
    <Apache Tomcat installation>/lib
  5. Navigate to the following directory:
    <Apache Tomcat installation>/bin
  6. Run the following command to start the Apache Tomcat server:
    ./catalina.sh start
    The ddmsap war file deployment on Apache Tomcat creates the following directory:
    <Apache Tomcat installation>/webapps/ddmsap
  7. Stop the Apache Tomcat server.
  8. Open logon.properties from the following location:
    <Apache Tomcat installation>\webapps\ddmsap\WEB-INF\classes\logon.properties
  9. Modify the logon.properties properties.
    The following table describes the properties:
    SAP client number.
    SAP user name.
    SAP user password.
    Language. Default is en.
    IP address of the SAP environment server.
    System number in the specified host. The range is 00 to 99.
  10. Start the Apache Tomcat server.
  11. Open a browser and navigate to the following URL:
    http:<Apache Tomcat IP address>:<port>/ddmsap/getsapuserdetails?processid=123
    The browser displays null.


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