Table of Contents


  1. About the Test Data Management Installation Guide
  2. Test Data Management Installation Overview
  3. Before You Install TDM
  4. Prepare for Application Services and Databases
  5. Create the Application Services
  6. Install the Clients
  7. TDM Installation
  8. After You Install TDM
  9. Infacmd
  10. Starting and Stopping Informatica and TDM
  11. Uninstallation
  12. Updating the DynamicSections Parameter of a DB2 Database

Installation Guide

Installation Guide

Sybase Database Requirements

Sybase Database Requirements

Use the following guidelines when you set up the repository on Sybase ASE:
  • Set the database server page size to 16K or higher. You must set the page size to 16K as this is a one-time configuration and cannot be changed afterwards.
  • Set the database locking configuration to use row-level locking.
    The following table describes the database locking configuration that you must set:
    Database Configuration
    Sybase System Procedure
    Lock scheme
    sp_configure "lock scheme"
    0, datarows
  • Set the Sybase database option "ddl in tran" to TRUE.
  • Set "allow nulls by default" to TRUE.
  • Turn ON the Sybase database option select into/bulkcopy/pllsort.
  • Enable the "select" privilege for the sysobjects system table.
  • Create the following login script to disable the default VARCHAR truncation:
    create procedure dbo.sp_string_rtrunc_proc as set string_rtruncation on sp_modifylogin "user_name", "login script", sp_string_rtrunc_proc
    The login script is executed every time the user logs into the Sybase instance. The stored procedure sets the parameter at the session level. The sp_modifylogin system procedure updates "user_name" with the stored procedure as its "login script". The user must have permission to invoke the stored procedure.
  • Verify that the database user has CREATE DEFAULT, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE RULE, CREATE TABLE, and CREATE VIEW privileges.
  • Set the database configurations to the recommended baseline values.
    The following table lists the database memory configuration parameters that you must set:
    Database Configuration
    Sybase System Procedure
    Maximum amount of total physical memory
    sp_configure "max memory"
    Procedure cache size
    sp_configure "procedure cache size"
    Number of open objects
    sp_configure "number of open objects"
    Number of open indexes
    sp_configure "number of open indexes"
    Number of open partitions
    sp_configure "number of open partitions"
    Heap memory per user
    sp_configure "heap memory per user"
    Number of locks
    sp_configure "number of locks"


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