Test Data Management
- Test Data Management 10.5.7
- All Products
| Description
Column Name
| The name of an input, output, or variable column. Enter a name. The name does not have to match the name of a column in the source. When you assign the rule to the target metadata in a project, you map the column names in the rule to column names in the database.
Column Type
| The column type. You can configure the following types of columns:
| The data type of the column. Select string, numeric, or date data type.
| The precision for the column. The maximum number of digits or the maximum number of characters that the column can accommodate. For example, 798.650 has a precision of 6.
| Number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.
| Description
Parameterize Input Port
| Optional. Use a parameter value for the input column. You do not need to map the input port to a column if you parameterize the input port.
Parameter Name
| The name of the parameter that you can use for the input column. Required if you choose to parameterize the input port.
| Description
| Optional. Select a variable port as a dependent port for another variable port. When you create a second variable port, you can see the first variable port in the drop-down list.
Generation Technique
| Applies a generation rule to the input column and writes the results in the variable column. You can create multiple variable columns and configure rules.
You can select the following techniques:
| Description
| Required. An expression to apply to input and variable columns to generate an output. You can create the expression in the Expression Builder.