Test Data Management
- Test Data Management 10.5.7
- All Products
| Description
| The name of the project.
The project name must not contains spaces if you want to perform TDM operations on Hadoop data sources.
| The description of the project.
PowerCenter Repository
| The name of the PowerCenter repository to store the project folder.
| The name of the project folder in the repository. Default is the project name. You can choose another folder in the repository.
| The name of the user that owns the folder. The folder owner has all permissions on the folder. The default is the name of the user that created the folder. You can select another user as the folder owner.
Target Conflict Resolution Strategy
| Strategy to manage duplicate target table definitions created when you regenerate a plan. You can choose from the following options:
Default is Rename.
Target Empty Value
| Optional. Value to use in place of empty values in target non null columns.
A workflow fails if the non null column is a unique column.