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<StoreS3ObjectRequest> <!-- create S3 object metadata --> <s3ObjectParameters> <!-- object key, is required --> <awsS3Key>test.txt</awsS3Key> <!-- content type, by default text/plain type is used --> <contentType>text/plain</contentType> <!-- content control --> <contentControl>…</contentControl> <!-- content disposition which is a default file name (similar to Content-Disposition HTTP header) --> <contentDisposition>…</contentDisposition> <!-- content encoding, by default this property is empty --> <contentEncoding>…</contentEncoding> <!-- last modified timestamp in milliseconds --> <lastModified>…</lastModified> <!-- storage class (STANDARD or REDUCED_REDUNDANCY), can be used to overwrite the same attribute of the event target --> <storageClass>…</storageClass> <!-- canned acl (Private, PublicRead, PublicReadWrite, AuthenticatedRead, LogDeliveryWrite, BucketOwnerRead, BucketOwnerFullControl). --> <cannedAcl>…</cannedAcl> <!-- a well-constructed Amazon S3 Access Control List xml string. --> <s3Acl>…</s3Acl> </s3ObjectParameters> <!-- content format (PlainText|Binary|Attachment|XML|JSON) depending on what format you use the content should be provided differently --> <format>PlainText|Binary|Attachment|XML|JSON</format> <!-- this field can be used only if you set format to PlainText or Binary. if you use PlainText format this field should contain some textual information that will be written as is to the bucket; if you use Binary format here you should provide a Base64 encoded string that will be decoded and written to the target bucket --> <content>Hello World</content> <!-- if you chose the XML or JSON format you should use either the object or objects field to provide one or several process objects that should be converted to XML/JSON content --> <object>some process object</object> <objects>a list of process objects</objects> <!-- optionally you can provide objectName and listName attribute values, details see below this example --> <objectName>user</objectName> <listName>users</listName> </StoreS3ObjectRequest >
<StoreS3ObjectResponse> <!-- S3 object version (if available) --> <awsS3VersionId/> <!-- S3 object ETag --> <awsS3ETag>b10a8db164e0754105b7a99be72e3fe5</awsS3ETag> </StoreS3ObjectResponse>
<objects> <object> <firstName>Bob</firstName> <lastName>Smith</lastName> <phone>111122-222</phone> </object> <object> <firstName>Bob2</firstName> <lastName>Smith2</lastName> <phone>111122-222</phone> </object> </objects>
[{ "firstName": "Bob", "lastName": "Smith", "phone": "1111-222-333" }, { "firstName": "Bob2", "lastName": "Smith", "phone": "1111-222-333" }]
{ “users”: [{ "firstName": "Bob", "lastName": "Smith", "phone": "1111-222-333" }, { "firstName": "Bob2", "lastName": "Smith", "phone": "1111-222-333" }] }
<StoreS3DelimitedContentRequest> <!-- create S3 object metadata --> <s3ObjectParameters> <!-- object key, is required --> <awsS3Key>test.csv</awsS3Key> <!-- other optional parameters (the same as S3 Writer request parameters) --> </s3ObjectParameters> <!—delimiter char; overwrites the same setting of the event target --> <delimiter>;</delimiter> <!-- text qualifier char; overwrites the same setting of the event target --> <textQualifier>”</textQualifier> <!-- whether to skip headers; overwrites the same setting of the event target --> <skipHeaders>false</skipHeaders> <!-- built-in S3DelimitedContent process object model, in this case not used --> <delimitedContentObject/> <!-- list of custom headers --> <header> <!-- header name (custom object field name) --> <name>name</name> <!-- header index (column position index) --> <fieldIndex>1</fieldIndex> </header> <header> <name>address</name> <fieldIndex>2</fieldIndex> </header> <header> <name>phone</name> <fieldIndex>3</fieldIndex> </header> <!-- list of custom process objects --> <customObjects> <id>1</id> <name>Bill</name> <phone>123-11-22</phone> <address>Lviv</address> </customObjects> <customObjects> <id>2</id> <name>Bob</name> <phone>222-333-222</phone> <address>London</address> </customObjects> </StoreS3DelimitedContentRequest>
<StoreS3DelimitedContentResponse> <!-- true if success, false in case of error --> <success>true</success> <!-- textual message that may contain some warnings or errors --> <message>…</message> <!-- number of processed records (number of records that are provided in request) --> <processedRecordsCount>3</processedRecordsCount> <!-- number of successfully serialized and written to S3 object content records --> <writtenRecordsCount>3</writtenRecordsCount> <!-- created S3 object information --> <s3ObjectInfo> <!-- S3 object version (if available) --> <awsS3VersionId/> <!-- S3 object ETag --> <awsS3ETag>ae784bc7446c154e2f802c8440a530a0</awsS3ETag> </s3ObjectInfo> </StoreS3DelimitedContentResponse>