RabbitMQ Connector Guide

RabbitMQ Connector Guide

RabbitMQ Event Source Properties

RabbitMQ Event Source Properties

When you create a RabbitMQ event source, you create a RabbitMQ consumer to read RabbitMQ messages. You can use each RabbitMQ event source in a process that reads RabbitMQ messages.
For each RabbitMQ connection that you create, you can add one or more event sources. An event source serves as a start event that listens or monitors a specified RabbitMQ queue for new messages. After you define an event source for a RabbitMQ connection, you can publish the connection only on a Secure Agent. You can use the event source in a process to consume the messages from a queue as process objects. You can then deploy the process on the same Secure Agent where you published the RabbitMQ connection.
To create event sources for a RabbitMQ connection, click
Add Event Source
on the
Event Sources
tab. Select the event source type as
RabbitMQ Monitor
The following table describes the basic event source properties that you can configure:
Required. The event source name that appears in the Process Designer. The name must be unique for the connection.
You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
Optional. A description for the RabbitMQ event source that appears in the Process Designer.
The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
to make the event source available immediately after it is published.
to disable the event source until you are ready to use it.
Default is
The following table describes the RabbitMQ event source properties that you can configure:
Event Source Property
Enable Load Balancing
Required. Determines whether the connection must be deployed on all the Secure Agents in a group or on the selected Secure Agent for load balancing. You must enable this option only if the Process Server uses a Secure Agent Cluster configuration.
Default is
After you publish a connection and run a process, if you toggle the load balancing option, you might see duplicate messages. To avoid this issue, Informatica recommends that you create a new connection if you want to change the load balancing option.
Exchange Name
Optional. The exchange name where the produced messages are sent to. If left blank, the default exchange is used.
Routing Key
Optional. The routing key to route the message to a queue.
Required. The name of the RabbitMQ queue from where the messages can be consumed.
Payload Format
Required. Specifies the type of message payload format you expect on the destination.
Select one of the following options:
  • TEXT
  • XML
  • JSON
Default is
Object List Field Name
Optional. If the payload format is JSON, the queue accepts a JSON message that might contain an array of objects. If it does, enter the value here to be used as the field name of the object list in the RabbitMQ message body.
Enable Dead Letter Routing
Optional. Select
to route faulty messages to a target dead letter queue.
If you have configured dead letter routing for the RabbitMQ broker, you must ensure that the
Enable Dead Letter Routing
field is disabled.
Default is
Dead Letter Exchange
Name of the dead letter exchange. If left blank, the default exchange is used.
Dead Letter Routing Key
Routing key for the dead letter exchange to route the message to a dead letter queue.
Other Attributes
Optional. If you need to set RabbitMQ advanced attributes for the event source, you can supply them here. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support for assistance.
Enable Automatic Message Acknowledgement
Optional. Select
if you want messages to be automatically acknowledged.
If you have configured dead letter routing for the RabbitMQ broker, you must ensure that the
Enable Automatic Message Acknowledgement
field is disabled. Otherwise, messages will not be routed to the dead letter queue.
Default is
Prefetch Count
Optional. The maximum number of unacknowledged messages delivered on a RabbitMQ channel. Specify
to deliver unlimited unacknowledged messages.
Default is
You can view the status of each event source in the published connection. If the status of the event source is stopped, you can republish the connection and restart the event source. When you republish the connection, all the event sources in the connection start by default.
For more information about starting and stopping event sources in a listener-based connection, see
Connectors for Cloud Application Integration and Monitor


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