RabbitMQ Connector Guide

RabbitMQ Connector Guide

RabbitMQ Event Target Properties

RabbitMQ Event Target Properties

When you create a RabbitMQ event target, you create a RabbitMQ producer to write RabbitMQ messages. You can use each RabbitMQ event target in a process that writes RabbitMQ messages.
For each RabbitMQ connection that you create, you can include one or more event targets that specify operations and call the event target from a process to send messages to a RabbitMQ exchange.
To create event targets for a RabbitMQ connection, click
Add Event Target
on the
Event Targets
tab. Select the event target type as
RabbitMQ Writer
The following table describes the basic event target properties that you can configure:
Required. The event target name that appears in the Process Designer. The name must be unique for the connection.
The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:
~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
Optional. A description for the RabbitMQ event target that appears in the Process Designer.
The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
The following table describes the RabbitMQ event target properties that you can configure:
Event Target Property
Exchange Name
Optional. The exchange name where the produced messages are sent to. If left blank, the default exchange is used.
Routing Key
Optional. The routing key to route the message to a target queue.
Payload Format
Required. Specifies the type of message payload format you expect on the destination.
Select one of the following options:
  • TEXT
  • XML
  • JSON
Default is
Other Attributes
Optional. If you need to set RabbitMQ advanced attributes for the event target, you can supply them here. Contact Informatica Global Customer Support for assistance.


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