Greenplum Connector

Greenplum Connector

Database authentication

Database authentication

To configure Database authentication, you need the user name and password from your Greenplum account.
The following table describes the basic connection properties for database authentication:
User name with permissions to access the Greenplum database.
Password to connect to the Greenplum database.
The following table describes the advanced connection properties for Database authentication:
Certificates Path
Path where the SSL certificates for the Greenplum server are stored.
Specify the path if you want to establish secure communication between the gpload utility and the Greenplum server over SSL.
For information about the files that need to be available in the certificates path, see the gpload documentation.
You can use the SSL-based connection only in a Target transformation in a mapping to write to Greenplum.
Metadata Additional Connection Configuration
Additional connection properties that you want to set to fetch the metadata from Greenplum.
Enter the properties in the following format:
<parameter name1>=<value1>, <parameter name2>=<value2>
Driver Name
The driver name.
Specify DataDirect 7.1 Greenplum Wire Protocol.


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