Greenplum Connector

Greenplum Connector

Configure the DataDirect Greenplum ODBC driver on Linux

Configure the DataDirect Greenplum ODBC driver on Linux

To use a Greenplum connection from a Linux machine, you must configure the DataDirect Greenplum ODBC driver on Linux.
  1. Download the DataDirect Greenplum ODBC driver version 7.1.6 from the Pivotal website and install the DataDirect Greenplum ODBC driver on the Secure Agent machine.
  2. Add the following driver entries to the
    file in the following directory:
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/odbcinst.ini
    Use the following syntax:
    [DataDirect 7.1 Greenplum Wire Protocol] Driver=<ODBC driver path>/lib/ Setup=<ODBC driver path>/lib/ DriverODBCVer=<ODBC Driver version> HelpRootDirectory=<ODBC Driver path>/help
    For example:
    [DataDirect 7.1 Greenplum Wire Protocol] Driver=/opt/Progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/lib/ Setup=/opt/Progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/lib/ APILevel=0 ConnectFunctions=YYY DriverODBCVer=3.52 FileUsage=0 HelpRootDirectory=/opt/Progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/help SQLLevel=0
  3. Set the
    , and
    environmental variables for the driver.
    Perform the following tasks:
    1. Set the
      environmental variable to the directory that contains the Greenplum loader libraries. Using a C shell and run the following command:
      setenv GPHOME_LOADERS /export/qa_adp/thirdparty/greenplum/rhel.64/loaders
    2. Set the
      environmental variable to the directory that contains the Greenplum loader libraries. Using a C shell and run the following command:
      setenv PATH ${GPHOME_LOADERS}/bin:${PATH}
    3. Set the
      environmental variable to include the following directories that contain the Greenplum drivers and the DataDirect Greenplum ODBC libraries. Using a C shell and run the following command:
      setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH .:${GPHOME_LOADERS}/lib:/export/qa_adp/thirdparty/greenplum/rhel.64/loaders/ext/python/lib setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/Progress/DataDirect/Connect64_for_ODBC_71/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
  4. Restart the Secure Agent after you update the environment variables.


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