You can use the copy command to load data from Microsoft Azure Blob Storage or Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 to Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL.
When you stage files in Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, you can use the copy command only with Service Principal Authentication.
You can specify the options for the copy command in key=value format in the Copy Command Options field. Specify each option in a new line.
The following image shows an example of the copy command options:
You can configure only the following copy command options in the advanced target properties. The default value is considered for other copy command options supported by Microsoft Azure.
Specifies the directory where you want to write rejected rows and the corresponding error file. The ERRORFILE option is equivalent to the Reject Directory advanced target property.
Use the following format:
ERRORFILE=<Directory Location>
You can specify the absolute path or relative path for the directory. The error file path must not contain special characters.
If you specify an absolute path, for example,
, the agent creates the reject directory in the following path:
If you specify a relative path, for example,
, the agent creates the reject directory in the following path:
<staging path>/Dir1/Dir2
If you do not specify the directory, the agent creates the reject directory in the following path:
<staging path>/Reject_<UUID Randomly Generated>
Specifies the maximum number of reject rows allowed in the load before the copy command is canceled. Each row that cannot be imported by the copy command is ignored and counted as one error. The MAXERRORS option is equivalent to the Reject Threshold advanced target property.
Use the following format:
. For example,
Specifies the data compression method for the data. You can use only Gzip compression for CSV files.
The COMPRESSION option is equivalent to the Compression Format advanced target property.
Use the following format:
. For example,
Specifies a single character that is used as the quote character in the CSV file.
The FIELDQUOTE option is equivalent to the Quote Character advanced target property.
Use the following format:
Specifies the field terminator that is used in the CSV file.
The FIELDTERMINATOR option is equivalent to the Field Delimiter advanced target property.
Use the following format:
. For example,
For more details about the copy command options, see the Microsoft Azure documentation.