Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL Connector
  3. Connections for Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL
  4. Mappings for Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL
  5. Upgrading to Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL Connector
  6. Migrating a mapping
  7. SQL ELT optimization
  8. Data type reference
  9. Troubleshooting

Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL Connector

Microsoft Azure Synapse SQL Connector

Migration options

Migration options

When you migrate, you can choose from one of the following options to update the object path:

Option 1. Update the connection properties to reference the new object

When you import the mapping into Org 2, in the
Review Connections
section, you can change the existing connection to map to the connection that has access to the schema and table in Org 2.

Option 2. Override the properties from the advanced properties

Before the migration, specify the required schema and table name for the object from Org 2 in the advanced properties of the Org 1 mapping.
After the migration, when you run the mapping, the Secure Agent uses the configured advanced parameters to override the object specified in the mapping imported from Org 1.

Option 3. Parameterize the properties in the mapping

You can choose to parameterize the advanced attributes, such as the schema and table name before the migration. You can configure input parameters, in-out parameters, and parameter files in the mapping. After you migrate the mapping, do not edit or update the mapping. If you have used in-out parameters for the advanced attributes such as for the schema and table name, you can update these from the parameter file.
Parameterizing only the advanced properties, but not the object or connection in the mapping
You can choose to parameterize only the advanced properties before the migration, and use them at runtime. After the migration, when you run the mapping, the Secure Agent uses the value of the parameters specified in the advanced properties.
Parameterizing both the advanced properties and the object or connection
When you parameterize both the advanced properties and the object or connection, you can choose to select or deselect the Allow parameter to be overridden at runtime option.
Allow parameter to be overridden at runtime option is selected
When you parameterize both the advanced properties and the object or connection and select the
Allow parameter to be overridden at runtime
option before the migration, you must select a placeholder object in the object properties in the mapping and then specify an override to this placeholder object from the advanced properties. Ensure that the placeholder object contains the same metadata as the corresponding table that you specify as an override. When you run the mapping, the value specified in the advanced property overrides the placeholder object.
Allow parameter to be overridden at runtime option is not selected
When you parameterize both the advanced properties and the object or connection and do not select the
Allow parameter to be overridden at runtime
option before the migration, you do not need a placeholder object and the values specified in the advanced properties take precedence.


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