You can choose to override the default file system name, CDM folder, or entity name in the source advanced properties.
During mapping development you might use connection attributes, and during run time you can change the attributes without changing the connection attributes.
The CDM folder path and entity name must be valid when you override the default file system name, CDM folder, or entity name. Otherwise, the mapping fails with an error.
You can override the file system name when you select the file system name override option. For example, if you configured connection attributes for file system name
, CDM folder path
, and the entity name
, you can change the attributes during run time. You can select the file system name override and specify the system name
. However,
must have the same CDM folder path and the entity name that you specified in Microsoft CDM Folders V2 connection.
You can also override the filename when you select the CDM folder override option. For example, if you specified the CDM folder path
in the Microsoft CDM Folders V2 connection to read from