Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to NetSuite Connector
  3. Connections for NetSuite
  4. Synchronization tasks with NetSuite
  5. Mappings and mapping tasks with NetSuite
  6. Appendix A: NetSuite data type reference

NetSuite Connector

NetSuite Connector

Increasing heap size in the Edit Secure Agent page

Increasing heap size in the Edit Secure Agent page

You can adjust heap size in the
Edit Secure Agent
page to optimize performance for concurrency.
  1. Click
    Runtime Environments
  2. On the
    Runtime Environments
    page, if necessary, expand the Secure Agent groups to see the list of Secure Agents. Click the Secure Agent name from the list.
  3. Click
    Edit Secure Agent
    The Edit Secure Agent page appears.
  4. In the
    System Configuration Details
    section, for
    , select
    . Modify the
    parameter to specify the heap size.
    For example, you might want to adjust the heap size to 512 MB if the concurrency thread setting is 10.
    The following example shows the heap size set to 512 MB:
    JVMOption6=-Xmx512m JVMOption5=-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError JVMOption4=-Xloggc:jvm_heap_stats_Clou_App.log JVMOption3=-XX:+PrintGCDetails JVMOption2=-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps JVMOption1=-verbose:gc


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