Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to NetSuite Connector
  3. Connections for NetSuite
  4. Synchronization tasks with NetSuite
  5. Mappings and mapping tasks with NetSuite
  6. Appendix A: NetSuite data type reference

NetSuite Connector

NetSuite Connector

Mapping NetSuite record field names

Mapping NetSuite record field names

Map NetSuite record field names with related NetSuite search record field names so that users can use the fields in filters.
Users define filters for fields in the following locations:
  • Data Filters
    page of the
    Task wizard
  • Query options in a Source transformation in the Mapping Designer
  • Query options in the
    page of the
    Task wizard when the source object is parameterized
NetSuite SearchBasic search records contain the field names used for filtering. When a field name in a NetSuite record matches the related field name in the corresponding SearchBasic search record, users can define a filter for the field in tasks. When a field name in a record does not match the related search record field name, users cannot define a filter for the field in tasks.
You can check the NetSuite schema to see if a field name in a NetSuite record matches the related field name in the SearchBasic search record. NetSuite records are represented as schema types in the NetSuite schema. To view NetSuite field names in the NetSuite schema, you can open the appropriate schema definition file (XSD). You can find a list of XSDs in the following location:
For example, a user wants to define a filter for account name. You review the Account record in NetSuite's browser, which is defined in NetSuite's
The schema contains the field,
, as shown in the following sample:
The NetSuite schema includes the Account schema type which includes the acctName field. The Account record is listed in the schema and includes the name field.
You also see that the corresponding SearchBasic field name in the NetSuite's
file is called
, as shown in the following sample:
The schema includes the AccountSearchRowBasic schema type which includes the name field.
Because the field name is
in the Account record and the field name is
in the corresponding SearchBasic record, you map the two field names. The following example shows how you map
in the connection properties:
[Account] acctName=name
Use the same syntax if you resolve the issue in the


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