Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction to REST V2 Connector
  3. Connections for REST V2
  4. REST V2 operations
  5. Mappings and mapping tasks with REST V2 Connector
  6. Swagger File Generation
  7. Appendix A: Swagger objects
  8. OpenAPI objects

REST V2 Connector

REST V2 Connector

Advanced midstream properties

Advanced midstream properties

The following table describes the advanced properties that you can configure for a midstream transformation:
Paging Type
Specify one of the following values:
. Enables paging and considers the values of Page Parameter, Start Page, End Page, and End of Response Expression properties.
. Ignores the values of Page Parameter, Start Page, End Page, and End of Response Expression properties.
Page Parameter
The name of the parameter that you want to use for the paging operation. You can use a query parameter or a path parameter.
The parameter must be of the integer type and from the request message.
Start Page
The page number that indicates the first page in the range, on which you want to perform the paging operation.
End Page
The page number that indicates the last page in the range, on which you want to perform the paging operation. The default is 10000.
Paging stops when the End Page is reached or the End of Response Expression is met.
Page Increment Factor
An integer to increment the Page Parameter. Page Increment Factor must be same as the number of records being fetched per request. If the Page Increment Parameter option is not same as the number of records being fetched per request, you might have missing or duplicate records between two calls.
End of Response Expression
Specify an expression or a string to control paging. You can observe one of the following behaviors:
  • If you specify a string or an expression, the paging stops when the value matches with the page response. It does not parse the page that has matching end of response.
  • If you do not specify a string or an expression, the paging stops on reaching a page that has an empty or a Null response. If an empty or a Null response is never reached, the paging stops at the default end page.
  • If you specify both, End Page and End of Response Expression, the paging stops on whichever condition is met first.
  • If you do not specify End Page and End of Response Expression, the paging stops on reaching an empty or a Null response. If an empty or a Null response is never reached, the paging stops at the default end page.
Override URL
Overrides the URL specified in the swagger specification. The override URL cannot have query parameters. When a path parameter is included in the Override URL, enclose the path parameter with curly brackets {}. For example:
URL specified in the swagger specification:
If you define 20170505 as a path variable with the path variable name as
, the Override URL will be as follows:
Cache Size for Web Service Request (KB)
Default is 100 KB. If the request is more than 100 KB, you can increase the cache size.
Cache Size for Web Service Response (KB)
Memory available for the web service response. If the web service response contains many rows or columns, you might want to increase the cache size. Default is 100 KB.
Allow Input Flush
Not Applicable.
Transaction Commit Control
Not Applicable.


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