How to Configure the SAP Secure Network Communication Protocol in Informatica Cloud Data Integration®

How to Configure the SAP Secure Network Communication Protocol in Informatica Cloud Data Integration®

Creating the PSE for the Secure Agent and Exporting it to the SAP System

Creating the PSE for the Secure Agent and Exporting it to the SAP System

  1. Connect to the machine on which the Secure Agent is installed with the ID of the user who starts the Secure Agent.
  2. Navigate to the following directory:
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/ext/deploy_to_main/bin
  3. Run the following command to generate the PSE for the machine on which the Secure Agent is installed:
    sapgenpse get_pse <additional_options> [-p <PSE_name>][DN]
    You will be prompted to enter a PIN and a distinguished name.
  4. Enter a PIN and a distinguished name.
    The PIN is a unique identification value for the PSE.
    The distinguished name is the name of the machine that is registered in the SAP system and the machine on which the Secure Agent is installed. Enter the distinguished name as CN=<x>, OU=<x>, where CN = common name, and OU = organizational unit. For example, enter the distinguished name as: CN=INFACONTNT, OU=BDF.
    The PSE is generated under the following directory:
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/ext/deploy_to_main/bin
  5. Run the
    command and assign read, write, and execute permissions to the generated PSE.
  6. Navigate to the following directory:
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/ext/deploy_to_main/bin
  7. Run the following command to export the PSE certificate for the machine on which the Secure Agent is installed:
    sapgenpse export_own_cert -v -p <Name of the PSE created on the machine on which the Secure Agent is installed> -o <Name of the
    certificate created on the machine on which the Secure Agent is installed and exported to the SAP server>
    The PSE certificate is generated under the following directory:
    <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/ext/deploy_to_main/bin
  8. Run the
    command and assign read, write, and execute permissions to the generated PSE certificate.
  9. Send the PSE certificate to the SAP administrator.


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