Configuring AssumeRole Authentication for Amazon Redshift V2 Connector

Configuring AssumeRole Authentication for Amazon Redshift V2 Connector

AssumeRole with an existing database user

AssumeRole with an existing database user

To connect to the Amazon Redshift database for an existing database user using the EC2 role to assume a role, specify the user name in the Amazon Redshift connection section and select the
Use EC2 Role to AssumeRole
To assume a role using the EC2 role, attach the following policies to an EC2 role in the AWS console:
  • AWS IAM EC2 policy that enables you to assume a role:
    EC2 policy to attach to EC2 instance
  • The trust relationship of the EC2 role to assume a role:
    Trust policy to EC2 role to assume a role
  • Trust relationship of the Redshift role to enable the EC2 role to assume a role:
    Trust relationship in Redshift role
  • Policy to enable a Redshift role for an existing database user:
    Permission policy for existing database user
After you define the policies, you can specify the following attributes in the connection properties for an existing database user:
To assume a role using the existing database user


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