Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Function reference
  3. Constants
  4. Operators
  5. Dates
  6. Functions
  7. System variables
  8. Datatype reference

Function Reference

Function Reference

Rounding for double values

Rounding for double values

Depending on the datatype of the downstream field,
Data Integration
rounds the double datatype value to the 15th digit.
The double datatype conforms to the IEEE 794 standard. Changes to database client library, different versions of a database or changes to a system run-time library affect the binary representation of mathematically equivalent values. Also, many system run-time libraries implement the round-to-even or the symmetric arithmetic method. The round-to-even method states that if a number falls midway between the next higher or lower number it round to the nearest value with an even least significant bit. For example, with the round-to-even method, 0.125 is rounded to 0.12. The symmetric arithmetic method rounds the number to next higher digit when the last digit is 5 or greater. For example, with the symmetric arithmetic method 0.125 is rounded to 0.13 and 0.124 is rounded to 0.12.
If the double datatype field in the Source transformation is connected to a decimal or string datatype field in the downstream transformation,
Data Integration
retains digits beyond the 15 significant digits without rounding. For all other downstream field datatypes,
Data Integration
rounds double datatype values to the 15th digit. For example, if a calculation on Windows returns the number 1234567890.1234567890, and the same calculation on UNIX returns 1234567890.1234569999,
Data Integration
converts this number to 1234567890.1234600000.


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