Getting Started

Getting Started

Secure Agent requirements on Linux

Secure Agent requirements on Linux

You can install the Secure Agent on any machine that has internet connectivity and can access
Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
. Before you install the Secure Agent on Linux, verify the system requirements.
Verify the following requirements before you install the Secure Agent on Linux:
  • Verify that the machine uses a supported operating system. For the list of supported operating systems for the Secure Agent, see the Product Availability Matrix (PAM) for Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services on the Knowledge Base.
  • Verify that the machine has at least 11 GB free disk space.
  • Verify that the
    package is installed.
    If the package isn't present, install it using the following command:
    sudo yum install libidn.x86_64
    The command to install the package might vary based on your Linux distribution.
  • Verify that the*
    libraries are installed.
    If the libraries aren't present, install them using the following commands:
    • For 64-bit systems:
      cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
    • For 32-bit systems:
      cd /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu
    After installing the libraries, create a symbolic link using the following command:
    sudo ln -s
  • If you are installing the Secure Agent on RHEL 9, verify that the
    library is installed.
    If the library isn't present, install it using the following command:
    sudo yum install libnsl
    The command to install the package might vary based on your Linux distribution.
    To verify whether
    is present, use one of the following commands:
    ldconfig -p | grep libnsl
    which libnsl
  • The account that you use to install the Secure Agent must have access to all remote directories that contain flat source or target files.
  • If you use PowerCenter, install the Secure Agent using a different user account than the account you used to install PowerCenter.
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    and PowerCenter use some common environment variables. If the environment variables are not set correctly for
    Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services
    , your jobs might fail at run time.
For more information about Secure Agent requirements, see this article:


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