Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Mappings
  3. Mapping tutorial
  4. Parameters
  5. CLAIRE recommendations
  6. Data catalog discovery
  7. Visio templates



Mapping behavior differences

Mapping behavior differences

Mapping behavior can vary based on whether the mapping is a mapping in SQL ELT mode or another type of mapping. The Mapping Designer also differs slightly.
The Mapping Designer for mappings in SQL ELT mode is separate from the Mapping Designer for other mappings. If you want to switch to or from SQL ELT mode, create a new mapping.
Mappings in SQL ELT mode differ from other mappings in the following ways:
  • When you create a mapping in SQL ELT mode, you choose the target connection first. To change the target connection, click the mapping canvas and update the mapping properties. You can't change the target connection in the Target transformation.
  • If you create expressions within a mapping in SQL ELT mode, you use your cloud data warehouse's native functions and expression syntax instead of Informatica functions and expression syntax. For more information about the native functions and expression syntax, see the documentation for your cloud data warehouse.
  • You can't test run a mapping in SQL ELT mode from within the Mapping Designer. To run a mapping in SQL ELT mode, create a mapping task.
  • Mappings in SQL ELT mode can't transform hierarchical data. Any field that contains hierarchical data is treated as a pass-through field in all transformations. If you need to transform hierarchical data, create a mapping
    or mapping in advanced mode
  • Mappings in SQL ELT mode can't include mapplets.
  • Mappings in SQL ELT mode can't have multiple flows or pipelines. If you need to process data in multiple pipelines, create a mapping
    or mapping in advanced mode
  • CLAIRE recommendations
    and the
    aren't available in mappings in SQL ELT mode.
There might be other mapping behavior differences based on the connector type. For more information, see the appropriate connector guide.


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