Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Servers
  4. Console Client
  5. Search Clients
  6. Table Loader
  7. Update Synchronizer
  8. Globalization
  9. Siebel Connector
  10. Web Services
  11. ASM Workbench
  12. System Backup and Restore
  13. Batch Utilities



The Table Loader parses the DBMS’s Load Utility log file in order to determine if the load succeeded. By default it searches for English language phrases in the log file. However, when the database server is installed on a machine that uses a non-English locale, the DBMS Load Utility will write its log file using that character set. In these circumstances, special environment variables must be defined to specify replacement phrases to search for. Failure to do so will result in erroneous load failure messages reported by the Table Loader.


The IIR Table Loader (loadit) checks the number of records loaded by SQL*Loader. To do this, loadit parses the text of SQL*Loader’s output looking for particular strings. These strings are expected to be in English.
When a foreign language version of Oracle is used, two environment variables must be defined to specify the foreign language text that corresponds to the English strings that loadit is looking for.
Set the environment variables
to the foreign language strings that correspond to "Total logical records read:" and "Total logical records rejected:" messages respectively. These variables must be the complete string, up to and including the ’:’, starting from the left margin of the output.
Example: An extract from a SQL*Loader Log in English:
Space allocated for bind array:21248 bytes(64 rows) Space allocated for memory besides bind array:0 bytes Total logical records skipped: 0 Total logical records read: 6 Total logical records rejected: 0 Total logical records discarded: 0
Example: An extract from a SQL*Loader log using a non-English locale:
Ba_lama dizisi i_in tahsis edilen bo_luk:21248 byte(64 satr) Bellek i_in ba_lama dizisinin d_nda tahsis edilen bo_luk: 0 bytes Toplam atlanan mantksal kayt: 0 Toplam okunan mantksal kayt: 6 Toplam edilmeyen mantksal kayt: 0 Toplam atlan mantksal kayt: 0
In this case, set the environment variables to the following:
set SSALDR_ORA_READ_TXT=Toplam okunan mantksal kayt: set SSALDR_ORA_REJECT_TXT=Toplam edilmeyen mantksal kayt:


The MSQ implementation of the Table Loader searches for the phrase
" rows copied."
as this precedes the number of rows loaded into the table. For example, 10000 rows were loaded in the follow example:
Starting copy... 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 1000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 2000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 3000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 4000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 5000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 6000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 7000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 8000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 9000 1000 rows sent to SQL Server. Total sent: 10000 10000 rows copied. Network packet size (bytes): 4096 Clock Time (ms.): total 640 Avg 0 (15625.00 rows per sec.)
When using a non-English locale, you may provide alternate text for this phase using the server environment variable


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