Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Major Concepts
  4. Prototyping
  5. The Design Issues
  6. Standard Population Choices
  7. Customer Identification Systems
  8. Identity Screening Systems
  9. Fraud and Intelligence Systems
  10. Marketing Systems

Best Practices Guide

Best Practices Guide

Managing Population Rule Sets

Managing Population Rule Sets

A Population rule-set is a file used by the SSA-NAME3 callable routine to modify its behavior for different countries, languages or data populations.
Population rule-sets may be one of three types:
  • Standard Populations are provided with the product.
  • A Custom Population may be built by an Informatica Corporation consultant for a customer with unusual or special needs.
  • A Local Population is the result of local rules modifications done via the Population Override Manager or Edit RuleWizard.
It is possible for a system to have all three types of Population rule-sets. If so, there is an order of precedence in loading by SSA-NAME3. If a Local Population (file extension of
) is present in the folder identified by the "System" Control, it is loaded; else if a Custom Population is present (file extension of
), it is loaded; else the Standard Population is loaded (file extension of
The task of developing name search and matching systems is a balancing act between:
  • "Performance" and "Quality";
  • "Under-matching" versus "Over-matching";
  • "Missing the Right data" versus "Finding Wrong data".


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