Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Servers
  4. Console Client
  5. Search Clients
  6. Table Loader
  7. Update Synchronizer
  8. Globalization
  9. Siebel Connector
  10. Web Services
  11. ASM Workbench
  12. Cluster Merge Rules
  13. Forced Link and Unlink
  14. System Backup and Restore
  15. Batch Utilities

Deployable Search Clients

Deployable Search Clients

Deployable search clients are designed to help MDM-RE Administrators to quickly deploy search functionality to end-users. These clients are specifically designed to only run a pre-defined Search so that end-users cannot change search and matching strategies.

Java Applet

A Java Applet suitable for embedding within an HTML page is available as a Web based client. A Java enabled browser must be used to run the applet. A Java plug-in of version 1.4 or higher is recommended.


The following parameters are mandatory:
The Port number that the MDM-RE Connection Server is listening on. Note that the Connection Server and Web Server must run on the same computer.
The name of the Rulebase
The working directory.
The name of the System to open at startup.
The name of the Search to open at startup.


The following HTML code snippet demonstrates how to instruct a browser to load the applet. The applet’s code resides in a JAR file that is in the same directory as the HTML document. This example sets the initial size of the applet to 800 x 600 pixels.
<APPLET ARCHIVE="sclient.jar" CODE="ssa.clients.sclient.SsaClient" WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=600> <PARAM NAME="HostPort" VALUE="1667"> <PARAM NAME="RulebaseName" VALUE="odb:0:ssa/ssa@ora817"> <PARAM NAME="WorkDirectory" VALUE="c:\InformaticaIR\ids">
An example HTML is provided in


To initiate a search, enter the required data and click the
The output results are shown in a table format and may be customized to reorder, resize and/or hide columns. Columns are reordered and resized by dragging their titles. Columns can be hidden or reenabled by right-clicking on the output table and selecting the appropriate option on the pop-up menu.
You can double-click on a specific record in the output table to perform a new search.


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