Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Servers
  4. Console Client
  5. Search Clients
  6. Table Loader
  7. Update Synchronizer
  8. Globalization
  9. Siebel Connector
  10. Web Services
  11. ASM Workbench
  12. Cluster Merge Rules
  13. Forced Link and Unlink
  14. System Backup and Restore
  15. Batch Utilities



The following sections provide an overview of the concepts that are relevant to MDM Registry Edition.

Search Server

The MDM Registry Edition supports multiuser search and matching facilities by using the data stored in the MDM-RE Tables. Search clients access the Search Server using an Application Program Interface (API).
The MDM Registry Edition Search Server is a multithreaded application, with one thread allocated to each client connection. Each Search Server process supports a limited number of connections, which are database and environment dependent. Multiple Search Server processes can be started to handle as many concurrent Search Clients as required.
Clients communicate with the server by using TCP/IP sockets. Ideally, the server is started on the same machine as the DBMS to avoid excessive network overhead when it communicates with the database.
The Search Server by default uses all available CPUs to provide the fastest possible matching. See Switches to see how to control how many match threads to use.
The Search Server maintains a pool of previously run search requests. The Search Server loads each search request into memory and initializes it. The Search Server uses the ids_search_start function to initialize a search request. When an ids_search_start function fails because of an transient error, the Search Server retries up to five times. The function does not retry when it returns a fatal error. If the function fails after five times, it returns a fatal error.
When the search request is complete, the Search Server adds the search request to the pool of search requests. The Search Server reuses these search requests, instead of reinitializing them whenever a client switches to another search. This method reduces overhead such as reading metadata and establishing database connections and improves the search performance.
By default, session pooling is enabled. You can disable it by setting the SSA_SESSION_POOL_MAX environment variable to 0 on the machine hosting the Search Server.

Rulebase Server

The MDM Registry Edition Rulebase Server supports multiuser access to the rules stored in the Rulebase. Search clients do not directly access this server. The Search Server, Console Server, and MDM-RE utilities access the Rulebase Server.
The Rulebase Server caches rules read from the Rulebase to speed up access. One Rulebase server is permitted for each Rulebase (to maintain cache consistency). A single Rulebase Server can serve multiple clients and multiple Rulebases.

Connection Server

The MDM Registry Edition
Connection Server
is an optional server process. It is used to improve the performance of search clients that continually connect and disconnect from the Search Server.
Stateless transaction based searches, such as Web searches would benefit from using the Connection Server. For example, a Perl search client launched by a Web CGI-script might start a search, collect the results and terminate. Each search transaction opens a connection to the Search Server (and database) and closes it. This is inefficient.
To overcome this problem, use MDM Registry Edition to provide a
Connection Server
. When a transient search client connects to the Connection Server, the server allocates a
The Connection Server passes the request to the Search Server. The Connection Server returns the results to the search client without closing the connection to the Search Server. When the search client makes a second or subsequent call identified by the same
, the Connection Server reuses the connection established on the first call. It avoids the overhead of reconnecting with the Search Server. The connection is closed when the search client requests to terminate the session, or the session remain unused for the Connection Server’s time-out period.
The client and Connection Server must reside on the same machine. It ensures that opening a (socket) connection from the client to the Connection Server is inexpensive (relative to connecting to a remote machine). If the client and Search Server use different character sets (example:
), the Connection Server must run on the same machine as the client. It is because the Connection Server does not perform any character set translations.

Console Server

The MDM Registry Edition Console Client accesses the MDM Registry Edition Console Server. Use the server to provide support facilities for the Console Client, such as RuleBase access, file access, and launching MDM Registry Edition utilities.

XML Console Server (CX)

The MDM Registry Edition XML Console Server is an optional server that implements the Console API using an XML protocol. For information about the XML Console Service, see the
Web Services
section of this guide.

XML Search Server (XM)

The MDM Registry Edition XML Search Server is an optional search server that implements the search API using an XML protocol. For information about the search API, see the
Developer Guide

Synchronization Server (XS)

The Synchronization Server is an optional server which has a Web Service-style interface to the following services:
  • The Real Time Web Service, which propagates the User Source Tables updates to the IDT in real time.
  • The Real Time API, which supports the client programs to apply updates to the IDT in real time.
  • The NSA-Batch Service which integrates MDM Registry Edition with a Siebel CRM application using the MDM Registry Edition Siebel Connector. The Synchronization Server accepts XML messages from the Siebel Connector and stores them in the NSA Transaction Table.

HTTP Search Server

This optional server acts as a HTTP (Web) server to process search requests from a browser. Any browser can act as a web-based Search Client when pointed to the
of HTTP the Search Server . For information about configuring the HTTP Search Server, see the Search Clients chapter.

License Server

The License Server monitors a directory containing license files. These files define the products and optional components that might be installed and run in your environment. For information about the License Server, see the
MDM Registry Edition
Installation Guide


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