Security Framework Guide

Security Framework Guide

Encrypting the Security Configuration File

Encrypting the Security Configuration File

Use the secutil command to encrypt or decrypt a security configuration file for security purposes.
The secutil utility uses the following syntax:
secutil -i<Input File> -o<Output File> [-d]
The secutil command uses the following parameters:
-i<Input File>
Absolute path for the security configuration file if you want to encrypt it or the encrypted dict file if you want to decrypt it. You can find the security configuration file,
, in the following directory:
  • On Windows:
    <MDM Registry Edition Installation Directory>\security
  • On UNIX:
    <MDM Registry Edition Installation Directory>/security
-o<Output File>
Absolute path for the dict file if you want to encrypt a configuration file or the configuration file if you want to decrypt a dict file.
Instructs the secutil utility to decrypt the specified dict file.
MDM Registry Edition Security Server uses the encrypted dict file when it starts. After you create the encrypted dict file, add the
environment variable to the following file:
  • On Windows:
    <MDM Registry Edition Installation Directory>\env\mdmres.bat
  • On UNIX:
    <MDM Registry Edition Installation Directory>/env/mdmres
For example:
  • On Windows, to encrypt the security configuration file, run the following commands:
    set SSA_SEC_CONFIG=%SSATOP%\security\SecConfig.xml set SSA_SEC_DICT=%SSATOP%\security\SecConfig.dic secutil -i%SSA_SEC_CONIG% -o%SSA_SEC_DICT%
  • On UNIX, to decrypt an encrypted dict file, run the following commands:
    SSA_SEC_CONFIG="$SSATOP/security/SecConfig.xml" SSA_SEC_DICT="$SSATOP/security/SecConfig.dic" export SSA_SEC_DICT $SSABIN/secutil -i$SSA_SEC_DICT -o$SSA_SEC_CONFIG -d

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