Security Framework Guide

Security Framework Guide

Provisioning Users

Provisioning Users

Use the secuser utility to add or delete users. The utility requires a configuration file for the security provider.
The secuser utility uses the following syntax:
secuser -t<LDAP|DB> -x<Configuration File Name> -a|-d -u<Administrator User Name> -p<Administrator Password> -i<User Name> -f<First Name> -l<Last Name> -w<Password>
The secuser command uses the following parameters:
Specifies whether you use LDAP or database security provider. Use
for LDAP and
for database.
-x<Configuration File Name>
Absolute path of the security configuration file. You can find the security configuration file,
, in the following directory:
  • On Windows:
    <MDM Registry Edition Installation Directory>\security
  • On UNIX:
    <MDM Registry Edition Installation Directory>/security
Specifies whether you want to add or delete a user. Use
to add a user and
to delete a user.
-u<Administrator User Name>
Name of the administrator user.
-p<Administrator Password>
Password for the administrator user.
-i<User Name>
Name of the user that you want to add or delete.
-f<First Name>
First name of the user.
-l<Last Name>
Last name of the user.
Password for the user that you add.
For example:
  • On Windows, to add a user, run the following command:
    secuser -tLDAP -x%SSA_SEC_CONFIG% -a -uadmin -ppassword -iuserid -ffirstname -llastname -wpassword
  • On UNIX, to delete a user, run the following command:
    secuser -tLDAP -x$SSA_SEC_CONFIG -d -uadmin -ppassword -iuserid -ffirstname -llastname -wpassword

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