Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Introduction
  3. Getting Started with the MDM Hub Console
  4. Consolidating Data
  5. Managing Data
  6. Using the Hierarchy Manager
  7. Glossary

Guidelines for Editing Records

When you manually edit a record, you perform this action as an Informatica MDM Hub Admin, which has the same trust rules associated with it as other source systems have. This affects the way that manually edited records are saved.
During a manual edit, Informatica MDM Hub:
  • Leaves the original cell values (which came from the source system) intact.
  • Stores edited cell values in a new cross-reference, which is updated every time the same values are edited.
  • Applies edits to a base object immediately if the edited cell does not have defined trust values.
  • Compares trust settings for the edited cell value (based on the trust settings defined for the Informatica MDM Hub Admin) and the original cell value, if the edited cell has defined trust values. The Hub then applies edits to the base object if the trust settings for the edited values are higher than those of the original values.
  • Lets you save an edit even if that edit fails any validation rules that have been defined for the base object, but not if the validation rule will result in the trust on the value being downgraded to 0.
  • Regardless of the trust setting, the edit is always applied to the base object (except when a validation rule will result in a trust value of 0, as described above). In the rare case where the Informatica MDM Hub Admin system has been given a lower trust value than another source system, the update is still applied, but will most likely be overwritten the next time an update is received from the source systems.


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