Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Introduction
  3. Part 2: Samples and Examples
  4. Part 3: Tools and Utilities
  5. Part 4: SDK Resources

Sample Database Performance Test Properties File

Sample Database Performance Test Properties File

The following sample
file contains configuration for testing the database performance:
################################################################### #### Properties for Oracle Database database_type=oracle hostname=localhost port=1521 username=mdm_sample2 password=!!cmx!! ## if jdbcUrl is provided, above hostname, port and servicename will not be used to calculate jdbcUrl #jdbcUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//localhost:1521/ ################################################################### #### Properties for sqlserver Database #database_type=SqlServer #hostname=psv28mdmqa1 #port=1433 #databasename=cmx_ors #username=cmx_ors #password=INFAdba1 ## if jdbcUrl is provided, above hostname, port, databasename, username and password will not be used to calculate jdbcUrl #jdbcUrl=jdbc:sqlserver://psv28mdmqa1:1433;databaseName=cmx_ors;user=cmx_ors;password=INFAdba1 ################################################################### #### Properties for DB2 Database #database_type=DB2 #hostname=psraxmdmqa1 #port=60000 #databasename=MDM10 #username=cmx_ors #password=INFAdba1 ## if jdbcUrl is provided, above hostname, port and databasename will not be used to calculate jdbcUrl #jdbcUrl=jdbc:db2://psraxmdmqa1:60000/MDM10 ################################################################### #### properties unrelated to database connection ## no of records to insert no_of_records=1000 ## name of the file in which all the results will go from this utility output_result_filename=c:/temp/TestIO_result.log ################################################################### INFORMATICA_TESTIO_MAX_UPDATE_DELETE_ROWS=200000 INFORMATICA_TESTIO_MAX_THREADS=10 INFORMATICA_TESTIO_COMMIT_RECORDS=500


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