Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.3 HotFix 2
- All Products
| File Name
| XML Root Element
| Description
| Applicability
| layout-config.xml
| layoutConfig
| Controls which fields from each base object are displayed, as well as field sizes and number of columns for each row.
| HM, History, Duplicate Prevention
Custom actions
| ela-config.xml
| externalLinkActionsConfig
| Controls the custom actions that are shown for subject areas and HM objects.
| HM
User exits
| ue-config.xml
| userExitsConfig
| Controls the user exits that are applied to subject area and HM operations.
| HM
| bdc-config.xml
| bdcConfiguration
| Specifies control-specific configuration properties.
| Duplicate Prevention
| pmc-config.xml
| pmcConfig
| Specifies target system name and import settings for Duplicate Prevention control
| Duplicate Prevention