Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.3 HotFix 2
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SIF Functional Group/Class
| Description
Batch Group APIs
| Batch Group API requests enable developers to run batch groups directly without using the MDM Hub Console or stored procedures.
Runs a set of batch jobs, some sequentially, and some in parallel according to the configuration.
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Get status of most recent execution; polls for status after executing asynchronously.
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Finds the status of the last run of a batch group, and if the status is failed, sets it to incomplete.
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Data Steward APIs
| Data Steward API requests facilitates developers to write applications with a custom user interface. You can use any SIF API request that your application requires.
Retrieves the lookup display name, lookup code description, for the specific lookup values, lookup codes, for the specified lookup columns.
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Retrieves the list of valid lookup values (lookup codes) and lookup display names (lookup code descriptions) for the specified lookup columns.
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Retrieves the match candidates for the specified record.
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Retrieves a tree that represents the history of merges for a specified base object record.
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Retrieves the system-specific trust settings for the specified columns.
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Retrieves the data to plot the trust decay curve for the specified trust setting.
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Retrieves the current trust score for the specified column in a base object record.
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Retrieves multiple XREF records for the specified effective date.
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Provides a preview for a base object record if a specified set of records are merged or pending updates are applied.
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Searches for lookup values that match a lookup display name, lookup code description.
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Sets the record state of base object records identified by the specified keys.
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Data APIs
| Data API requests enable developers to run the MDM Hub Cleanse, Link, MultiMerge, and Unlink base object requests.
Uses cleanse functions to transform an input record provided in the request to the output format specified by the cleanse function selected.
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Links two or more base object records using the specified groupRecordKey as the group ID.
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Merges multiple base object records that are identified as representing the same object and you can specify the field level overrides for the merged record.
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Unlinks two or more base object records with the group ID specified in the groupRecordKey field.
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Data Update / Insert APIs
| Data update or insert API requests enable developers to run data updates and inserts on base object records.
Adds a relationship between two entities.
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Inserts or updates a single record identified by a key into a base object.
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Deletes a relationship between two entities by changing the Hub state to deleted. DeleteRelationship does not remove the record from the relationship table. If the relationship is a foreign key relationship, the request sets the foreign key value to null.
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Merges two base object records that are identified as representing the same object.
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Inserts or updates a single record identified by a key into a base object.
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Generates match tokens for a base object record that is updated or inserted.
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Unmerges base object (BO) records.
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Hierarchy Manager request for changing some characteristics of an existing relationship.
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Data Retrieval APIs
| Data Retrieval API requests enable developers to retrieve data, including BVT, a single record or sets of records, as well as to perform searches based on match columns.
Retrieves the best version of truth (BVT) from the specified package using a known key.
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Retrieves a single record from the specified package using a known key.
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Hierarchy Manager request for fetching a graph of entities and relationships related to a specified set of entities.
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Hierarchy Manager request for fetching information about the entities directly related to a specified group of entities in a specified HM configuration.
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Retrieves additional data when the number of records found by the SIF API search queries, SearchMatch and SearchQuery, exceeds the number of records to return specified in the search API request.
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Provides search capabilities for Hierarchy Manager.
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Searches for records in a package based on match columns and rule definitions.
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Retrieves a set of records from an MDM package satisfying the specified criteria.
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Merge Workflow APIs
| Merge Workflow API requests enable developers to run post-match batch processes, such as search for unmatched or unmerged records.
Once the match batch process is run and records are placed into match groups, there are often records that did not match any other records in the Hub. Sets the unmatched records to unique (that is, sets CONSOLIDATION_IND=1)
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After the match batch process has been run and records are placed into match groups, the records that were processed and not automatically merged are placed into the UNMERGED state. This is to assign the unmerged records to specified user.
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Determines whether the specified cross reference (XREF) record can be unmerged from the consolidated base object.
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Clears the list of unmerged records that are currently assigned to this user.
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Get a set of records requiring manual merge decisions that are assigned to the user.
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Get the number of unmerged records.
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Reassigns the specified records assigned for manual merge evaluation to another user.
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Metadata APIs
| Metadata API requests enable developers to return metadata for specified objects.
Request to describe Informatica objects by fetching their metadata.
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Retrieves a list of operational record stores (ORS) registered in the master database.
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Returns metadata of Informatica MDM Hub objects.
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Returns metadata of Informatica MDM Hub objects.
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Metadata Management APIs
| Metadata Management API requests enable developers to manage ORS change lists.
Applies a change list to the current repository.
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Creates a change list in XML format for the current repository.
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Validates a change list against the current repository.
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Validates the metadata for the current repository.
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Repository Manager APIs | Repository Manager API requests enable developers to export metadata.
Export metadata to a change list XML file.
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State Management APIs
| State Management API requests enable developers to delete and restore state-enabled records with the state set to DELETE, additionally promotes pending cross-reference records.
Deletes the specified records from the MDM Hub.
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Promotes or flags for promotion the XREF records specified in the request.
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Restores the specified XREF records in the MDM Hub.
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Task APIs
| Task APIs are used for task administration.
Creates a task.
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Retrieves lists of tasks and task details.
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Retrieves the lineage of the specified task.
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Retrieves a list of users whom you can assign a list of specified tasks.
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Updates a task.
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Checks each merge task specified in the request to verify there is a match table record
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User Management APIs
| User Management API requests enable developers to manage user security.
Authenticates a user against the specified ORS.
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Changes a user password to a new password.
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Miscellaneous APIs
| These miscellaneous API requests enable developers to run audit requests, register and unregister users, and perform other compatibility requests.
Add a custom entry to the Hub Audit trail.
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Request to get a checksum that represents the definition of the specified object in Informatica MDM Hub.
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Allows for automated provisioning of users that are authenticated externally using one of the registered JAAS login modules.
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Allows for previously provisioned users (see RegisterUsers) to be unregistered.