Table of Contents


  1. Abstract
  2. Installation and Upgrade
  3. 10.4 HotFix 2 Fixed Limitations
  4. 10.4 HotFix 2 Known Limitations
  5. 10.4 HF2 Closed Enhancement Requests
  6. 10.4 HotFix 1 Fixed Limitations
  7. 10.4 HotFix 1 Known Limitations
  8. 10.4 Closed Enhancement Requests
  9. 10.4 Fixed Limitations
  10. 10.4 Known Limitations
  11. Cumulative Known Limitations

MDM Hub Closed Enhancement Requests

MDM Hub Closed Enhancement Requests

The following table describes closed enhancements:
Reference Number
The following properties are now shown in the MDM Hub Console user interface, under Complete Tokenize Ratio, and you no longer need to edit them in the
  • Strip CTAS Delete Upper Limit
  • Strip CTAS Delete Ratio
You can now disable the internal administrator account, to prevent external authentication methods from using this account. This security enhancement ensures that users cannot log into MDM using this internal administrator account.
Informatica Multidomain MDM now includes the following Auto-Delete and Auto-Promote enhancements:
. You can use the Auto-Delete feature in conjunction with the Load Batch method. You cannot call the PUT SIF API to delete a cross-reference record
. A soft-deleted cross-reference record is now automatically reactivated (set to Active status) and you can edit it. The Auto-Promote feature is a part of the PUT SIF API.
For more information, see
Informatica Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 2 Release Guide


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