Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.4 HotFix 2
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Reference Number
| Description
| The surviving records and anchor in a Paired XREFs are not verified correctly. As a result, both Active and Pending XREFs are deleted if the Active XREF was an edit record.
| When you configure a field filter for a Person business entity, and run a REST API GET call using
systemname:pkey , no records are returned even when you have the required access permissions. The Security filter does not support any other keys except
ROWID_OBJECT , but in this case
| When you run a SearchMatch REST API call with a subtype enabled, and more than 20 child records are loaded, search results include incorrectly matched records.
| During creation of the
CustomLogic interface, the
inParams map returns
null in the
map. As a result, MDM platform cannot retrieve the locale information, to localize custom messages returned from BES external calls.
| When you select a paired Pending XREF to start the unmerge process, the Active XREF from the pair is not unmerged.
| When you run a Search REST API call containing a fielded query and date filter range, the AND operator is not functional and behaves as an OR operator.
It retrieves all the records that fulfill the date range filter criteria but do not meet the field query criteria. The issue occurs with any filters where the query is converted to
should condition. Use the
fqCondition parameter to control how query conditions are built (as
OR or
AND ). Default is
| When records are merged, the cross-reference record
interactionId is not preserved if the target Base Object does not have aninteractionId , and the information about pending changes is lost.
| When you run a SearchMatch REST API call with
action=match , the number of retrieved child records defaults to ten, regardless of the
defaultPageSize and
recordsToReturn values. While the BES Fuzzy Search service uses the input parameter
defaultPageSize to retrieve all the matching child records, the MatchCO service does not use this input parameter and can retrieve only ten matching child records.
| When you run a SearchQuery REST API call, links are not shown for action=query or
action=match , even if the parameter
suppressLinks=false . The links are shown for search queries and fielded queries.
| When you run a SearchQuery REST API call where
action=query and
contentMetadata=XREF , you do not receive the expected response containing all the XREF metadata. Instead, the following error appears: