Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Part 1: Version 10.4 - 10.4 HotFix 3
  3. Part 2: Version 10.3 - 10.3 HotFix 3

Matching Records View

Matching Records View

Matching Records
view is enhanced to make it easier for you to identify and resolving duplicate records.
The following enhancements are made to the Matching Records view:
You can now perform the following tasks:
  • Resolve duplicates using the basic
    Matching Records
    view or the advanced
    Matching Records
    view. The basic
    Matching Records
    view lets you merge only the duplicate parent records. The advanced
    Matching Records
    view lets you merge the duplicate parent and child records. Your can configure Data Director to have one or both the
    Matching Records
  • Show information that might help you in determining duplicates, such as trust scores, and display only the records that you select for merging.
  • View the match rule details for the matching records.
  • Use breadcrumbs that are added to the matching records to identify the parent of the records to be merged.
  • If duplicate records are missing from the
    Matching Records
    view, you can manually add the records to the view. To find the records that you want to add, use search or queries.
  • Remove records that you do not want to merge or are not duplicates.
  • Queue records for an automatic merge.
  • Finalize the best version of the truth by promoting or overriding the values that you think are correct.
  • Before you merge the records, you can preview the result of merging the records.
For more information, see the
Multidomain MDM Version 10.3 Data Director User Guide


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