Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Pre-Installation Tasks
  4. Hub Store Installation
  5. Hub Store Post-Installation Tasks
  6. Hub Server Installation
  7. Hub Server Post-Installation Tasks
  8. Process Server Installation
  9. Process Server Post-Installation Tasks
  10. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  11. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Business Entity Adapter
  12. Customize ActiveVOS
  13. Troubleshooting the MDM Hub
  14. Uninstallation

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with Red Hat JBoss

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with Red Hat JBoss

Setting Up Oracle Configuration Manager for ActiveVOS (Optional)

Setting Up Oracle Configuration Manager for ActiveVOS (Optional)

You can set up ActiveVOS to support Oracle Configuration Manager by adding a customized Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) URL.
  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Navigate to the following directory:
    infamdm installation directory>\conf\
  3. Edit the
    property. Enter the following custom JDBC URL link:
    jdbc:oracle:thin:@(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcps)(port=2484)( (port=1521)(
  4. Edit the
    property. Enter the following ActiveVOS database connection URL:
  5. Navigate to the following directory:
    <MDM Hub installation directory>\hub\server\bin\
  6. Edit the
    property. Enter the following ActiveVOS database connection URL:
  7. Open a command prompt.
  8. Navigate to the following directory:
    <MDM Hub installation directory>/hub/server/bin
  9. Run the following command:
    • In UNIX. avos.deploy -Ddatabase.password=<master database password> -Davos.username=<activeVOS console username> -Davos.password=<activeVOS console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.username=<avos database username> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<avos database Password> -Davos.jdbc.database.url=<JDBC database URL>
    • In Windows.
      sip_ant.bat avos.deploy -Ddatabase.password=<master database password> -Davos.username=<activeVOS console username> -Davos.password=<activeVOS console password> -Davos.jdbc.database.username=<avos database username> -Davos.jdbc.database.password=<avos database Password> -Davos.jdbc.database.url=<JDBC database URL>
    ActiveVOS is setup with OCM


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