Table of Contents


  1. Preface
  2. Installation Overview
  3. Pre-Installation Tasks
  4. Hub Store Installation
  5. Hub Store Post-Installation Tasks
  6. Hub Server Installation
  7. Hub Server Post-Installation Tasks
  8. Process Server Installation
  9. Process Server Post-Installation Tasks
  10. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Application Server
  11. ActiveVOS Post-Installation Tasks for the Business Entity Adapter
  12. Customize ActiveVOS
  13. Troubleshooting the MDM Hub
  14. Uninstallation

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with Red Hat JBoss

Installation Guide for Oracle Database with Red Hat JBoss

Enabling Match Population

Enabling Match Population

You must enable the match population to use for the match rules.
  1. Copy the
    files to the following location:
    On UNIX.
    On Windows.
  2. In the C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION metadata table, verify that the population is registered.
    The seed database for the MDM Hub installation has some populations registered in the C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION table, but not enabled.
  3. If the C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION table does not contain the population, add it to the table and enable it.
    The population name is the same as the ysp file name. For example, if the ysp file name is
    , the population name is US.
    To add the population to an Operational Reference Store, use the following steps:
    1. Connect to the Operational Reference Store schema that you want to add the population to.
    2. In SQL*Plus, run the
      script in the following directory:
      On UNIX.
      On Windows.
    3. Answer the prompts described in the following table:
      Enter the population to add
      Name of the population.
      Enter a value for ROWID_SSA_POP (example: INFA.0001) DEFAULT [INFA.0001]
      Unique value for the ROWID_SSA_POP column of the C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION metadata table. Default is
      The population is registered in the C_REPOS_SSA_POPULATION table.
    4. Run the following command to enable the population:
      UPDATE c_repos_ssa_population SET enabled_ind = 1 WHERE population_name = '<
      Your Population
      > '; COMMIT;
  4. Restart the
    Process Server
    after you enable populations.
  5. Log in to the Hub Console to verify that the population is enabled.
    The population appears in the
    Match/Merge Setup
    user interface for base objects.


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