Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.5 HotFix 2
- All Products
| Description
Upload Logo File
| Uploads the logo image file. Supports the POST method.
Delete Logo File
| Deletes the logo image file. Supports the DELETE method.
Upload Login BG File
| Uploads the login page background image file. Supports the POST method.
Delete Login BG File
| Deletes the login page background image file. Supports the DELETE method.
Get Variables
| Reads the user interface settings, such as the colors of buttons, menus, and text in the Data Director application. Supports the GET method.
Update Variables
| Updates the user interface settings, such as the colors of buttons, menus, and text in the Data Director application. Supports the POST method.
Delete Color Schema
| Restores the default user interface settings. Supports the DELETE method.