The match population contains the standard population set to use for the match process. Each supported country, language, or population has a standard population set. You must enable the match population to use for the match rules.
The match population is available as a
file with the Informatica MDM Hub installation. The population name is the same as the ysp file name. If you add a Japanese population, and want to use the Person_Name_Kanji match field, add _Kanji to the population name. For example, Japan_Kanji or Japan_i_Kanji. If you do this, the standard Person_Name match field is not available.
The population that you use must be compatible with the SSA-Name3 version of the MDM Hub. If you need additional population files or if you need an updated population file to upgrade to a later version, contact Informatica Global Customer Support. The first population file that you request with the product is free. You might need population files for other countries or you might need an updated population file to upgrade to a later version of the MDM Hub.