Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.5
- All Products
| Description
| Cross-reference data. If state management is enabled for the parent of the package, then this option will return only the cross reference records that are in the ACTIVE state.
| Cross-reference data that is in the PENDING state. This option is only valid when state management is enabled for the parent of the package. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
| Cross-reference data that is in the DELETED state. This option is only valid when state management is enabled for the parent of the package. Otherwise, an exception is thrown.
| Previous values for each of the underlying cross references of the specified base object.
Base object history has to be enabled
| Previous values for the specified base object record.
Base object history has to be enabled.
| Raw records associated with the specific base object record.
Raw retention needs to be enabled on at least one staging table belonging to the specified base object.
| Description
| Name and type of the package or base object to be queried.
| Key to uniquely identify the record to be fetched.
| Name of the system for which XREF and XREF history must be retrieved.
| Types of records to retrieve.
| Description
| The date for which you must retrieve values of the base object.
EffectiveDate must be used only for timeline-enabled base objects.
| The date for which you retrieve base object data that is effective at the specified point in time. The Get API does not return any record with a HIST_CREATE_DATE value that is equal to, or preceded by, the HistoryDate value.
The Get API truncates milliseconds for HistoryDate.
If you run the request on Oracle, the value of HistoryDate is adjusted for Daylight Saving Time (DST) when DST is enabled for the operating system. If the HistoryDate value is later than a record's HIST_CREATE_DATE value by less than one hour during DST, the API call does not return the record.
Use HistoryDate for timeline-enabled base objects only.
| The SQL condition to be applied to the result set.
GetRequest request = new GetRequest(); RecordKey recordKey = new RecordKey(); recordKey.setRowid("782"); request.setRecordKey(recordKey); //Required request.setSiperianObjectUID("PACKAGE.PARTY_ADDRESS_READ_PKG"); //Required GetResponse response = sipClient.process(request);