Multidomain MDM
- Multidomain MDM 10.5
- All Products
| State
| Description
| The record is approved. Default is 1.
| The record is not approved.
| The record is not used in the MDM Hub processes.
field = new TrustOverrideField(); field.setName("CITY"); field.setStringValue(city); field.setTrustOverride(TrustSetting.createTrustSettingCustom( 90, 40, TrustTimeUnit.MONTH, 12, TrustGraphType.LINEAR)); data.setField(field);
System Column
| Putable Status
| Never putable.
| Never putable.
| You can set as putable in the base object column properties.
| You can set as putable in the base object column properties.
| You can set as putable in the base object column properties.
| You can set as putable in the base object column properties.
| You can set as putable in the base object column properties.
| You can set as putable in the base object column properties.
| Always putable.
| Never putable.
| Always putable.
| Never putable.
| You can set as putable in the base object column properties.
| Description
| When you insert a record, use
RecordKey to specify the system name of the record to insert. The system generates the ROWID_OBJECT value for the record. You cannot specify the ROWID_OBJECT value for a new record. If you specify the ROWID_OBJECT value for a record that does not exist, the Put request fails.
When you update a record, use
RecordKey to specify the system name, ROWID_OBJECT, and source key of the record to update. You can also specify the Global Business Identifier (GBID), as applicable.
| Contains the data to update or insert. The SiperianObjectUid field for the record specifies the type and the name of the base object or put-enabled package used to identify the affected base object and constrain the fields that you can set.
| Description
| Use for keyless systems such as an application that does not persist source data. When set to
true , the MDM Hub generates a source key if you do not specify one.
If you insert a record from a keyless system, you can request the MDM Hub to generate a unique PKEY_SRC_OBJECT for the record.
If you request a primary key when you insert a base object, the key generator generates a key and passes it to the Put part of this request.
If the cross-reference ID does not exist when you update a base object, the Put API creates a cross-reference record.
If the cross-reference ID exists when you update a base object, the Put API updates the cross-reference record.
| Determines if Put API calls the PostLoad user exit. Set to
true to prevent recursive PostLoad user exit calls. For example, when a batch load calls the PostLoad user exit, which then calls a Put API that also calls the PostLoad user exit.
| Applicable for base objects for which you track data change events. Specifies the period start date for record versions.
| Applicable for base objects for which you track data change events. Specifies the period end date for record versions.
| Applicable for base objects for which you track data change events. Specifies a reference date within an effective period to identify a record version that you want to update. Default is null.
| Applicable for base objects for which you track data change events. Specifies the action to perform on a record version during the load process.
Use one of the following values:
| Applicable for base objects for which you track data change events. Ensures that contiguity between the effective dates of record versions is maintained when you add new record versions.
If set to
true , when you can add a new record version to the base object, the
MDM Hub maintains the contiguity between effective periods of record versions. If set to
false , the
MDM Hub rejects any addition of record version that breaks the contiguity between effective periods of record versions. The default is false.
| Description
| Contains the ROWID_OBJECT of the base object affected by the Put API.
When performing a Put request using a ROWID_OBJECT for a base object record that has merged into another base object record, Put response returns the ROWID_OBJECT of the surviving base object record.
RecordKey also contains a primary key if you set GenerateSourceKey to
true .
| Indicates the action that the Put API performed. The possible values are:
The Tokenize API requires the value of ActionType.
Insert indicates that a record has not yet been tokenized and tokens need to be created.
Update and
Update cross-reference indicate that a record has been tokenized and the tokens need to be regenerated.
PutRequest request = new PutRequest(); request.setRecordKey(RecordKey.rowid("782", "SALES")); Record record = new Record(); record.setSiperianObjectUid(SiperianObjectType.PACKAGE.makeUid("ADDRESS_UPDATE")); record.setField( new Field("ADDRESS_LINE1", "123 Main St.") ); record.setField( new Field("CITY", "Anytown") ); request.setRecord( record ); PutResponse response = (PutResponse) sipClient.process(request);