Google Vision AI Integration

Google Vision AI Integration

Effective 10.5 HotFix 3, you can integrate Google Vision AI into the Step Workflow framework with the help of a workflow XML definition file.
Google Vision AI supports the following feature detection modes:
Detection mode
Recognizes logos within images and recommends the corresponding manufacturer.
Determines the presence of any faces in the image.
Extracts visible text from the image.
Detects and extracts information about entities in an image from a diverse range of categories.
Identifies similar images and locates the online web pages that display the referenced image.
The following example showcases a scenario where logo detection serves to update a blank manufacturer name:
<step> <id>01-GVision-ExecuteGvision-01</id> <entity>Article</entity> <nextStep>GVisionAi-Process</nextStep> <gVisionLogoDetection>true</gVisionLogoDetection> <gVisionFaceDetection>false</gVisionFaceDetection> <gVisionTextDetection>false</gVisionTextDetection> <gVisionLabelDetection>false</gVisionLabelDetection> <gVisionWebDetection>false</gVisionWebDetection> <gVisionImageUrlField>ArticleMediaAssetMap.UniformResourceIdentifier(normal)</gVisionImageUrlField> <gVisionLogoSetField>Article.ManufacturerName</gVisionLogoSetField> <getField>ArticleMediaAssetMap.UniformResourceIdentifier(normal)</getField> <workflowServiceEndpoint>StepWorkflow-Trigger</workflowServiceEndpoint> <nextStep>STEP:01-GVision-EnterTask-02</nextStep> </step>
On line number 4, the new step, GVisionAi-Process, is initiated. The tag, gVisionImageUrlField, contains the public URL of the image, which in this case, is stored in ArticleMediaAssetMap.UniformResourceIdentifier(normal). The AI then processes the image and records the result in Article.ManufacturerName, as seen on line 11.
The following image shows the manufacturer names added to the corresponding blank rows. Google Vision AI adds manufaturer names to the blank rows.


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